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Anti-Fatigue Matting

Hard, cold concrete floors are considered the worst type of floor surface to stand on, and yet they are common in many of the industries that demand a standing workforce. This is why many working environments now use anti fatigue floor mats to cushion the impact, insulate the feet from cold floors, and provide ergonomic benefits for workers who stand for extended periods.

In industrial settings, anti-fatigue flooring is essential for its durability, resistance to chemicals and oils, and slip resistance, which helps reduce fatigue for employees who stand for long hours.

The insulating and cushioning effects of anti-fatigue matting help to improve thermal and postural comfort. From office to workshop, factory to warehouse, the versatility of anti-fatigue matting allows employers in every industry to ensure that their workers are safe and comfortable on the job, bringing long term benefits to the individual and the business. Foam anti fatigue mats are particularly useful in industrial settings for providing cushioning underfoot. Additionally, industrial anti fatigue mats are crucial for reducing movement and tripping hazards, ensuring safety in both wet and dry areas.

Browse our anti-fatigue solutions below or talk to us about a floor level safety assessment of your workplace today.

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26 Items

What are Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)?

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are injuries or conditions affecting the movement of the human body and are the most common occupational disease in the European Union. Anti-fatigue mats stimulate micro-movements in the lower leg muscles, leading to better blood circulation. They also enhance blood flow, reducing pain, discomfort, and fatigue caused by standing on hard surfaces. Over 40 million workers in Europe are affected by MSDs attributable to their work, costing some 240 billion euros per year in lost productivity. Anti-fatigue mats help alleviate physical stress by reducing pressure on the feet and lower back, promoting better posture and blood flow, and ultimately improving workers' health and well-being. (The Work Foundation)

Benefits of Anti-fatigue Matting for Prolonged Standing

  • Reduces headaches by easing tension in your shoulders and neck, demonstrating how anti fatigue mats work
  • Reduces stiffness by encouraging regular muscle movement and posture changes, helping to reduce fatigue
  • Combats lower back pain caused by prolonged standing by reducing pressure on the spine, and strain on the back muscles
  • Encourages circulation by frequent lower muscle movement
  • Lowers the chance of slips when the mat has a slip resistant surface
  • Reduces arch and heel pain often caused by flattening of the feet
  • Insulates against cold concrete floors which can give the sensation of being colder

COBA – Anti-fatigue Mats, the complete solution

Orthomat Standard: Anti-fatigue mat ideal for light industrial use in a dry working environment. Single layer foam mat means it is more suited to tackling standing fatigue as opposed to demanding environments where workers are regularly on the move. It is important to choose the right anti fatigue mat sizes for different workspaces to ensure maximum comfort and efficiency.

Orthomat Premium: Anti-fatigue mat suited to demanding locations where workers are regularly turning in a dry working environment. This product has a dual layer construction ensuring it offers excellent resilience to wear and tear. There are many anti fatigue mats available, providing a variety of options to choose from for specific environments and usage.

Deckplate: Anti-fatigue mat suited to the most demanding dry industrial environments where workers are regularly on the move. Checker plate design suits the industrial environment and is available with yellow safety edging. Dual layer mat ensures the product rates excellent in both comfort and wear resistance. Rubber anti fatigue mats offer durability and safety advantages, such as slip resistance and improved blood circulation for workers.

Choosing the right anti-fatigue matting 

Selecting the appropriate anti-fatigue matting for your workplace can significantly impact employee comfort and safety, making anti fatigue mats required for improving health and safety. To assist with this, we offer site visits to help you choose the right anti fatigue mat for your workplace needs. In collaboration with COBA Europe, we provide floor-level safety assessments and recommend the right anti fatigue mats for your specific environment. Using anti-fatigue mats is especially important for employees who stand for extended periods, as it helps alleviate fatigue and physical stress.

Contact us today at 0800 043 0161 or email sales@safetybuyer.com to discuss your interest in anti-fatigue matting for your workplace.

Investing in anti-fatigue matting is a proactive step towards enhancing employee well-being, reducing health risks, and boosting productivity. The long-term benefits for both individuals and businesses make for a sound business case.

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